Clarvida Marketing Academy

Soon available to all employees in our online learning platform, Relias, the Clarvida Marketing Academy equips participants with essential marketing strategies, tools, and community engagement techniques to drive successful recruitment and business growth. The Academy features 14 sessions ranging 20-40 minutes each, spread across three Modules:

Module 1: Understanding Marketing Strategy: Gain foundational knowledge in creating effective marketing strategies, identifying target audiences, and nurturing relationships to drive recruitment success.

Module 2: Essential Tools for Clarvida Marketing: Learn to utilize key marketing tools, including Clarvida’s brand standards, Canva, MailChimp, and social media platforms, to enhance your marketing efforts.

Module 3: Community Engagement: Explore strategies for leveraging community partnerships, events, and sponsorships to increase brand awareness and support recruitment and client referrals.

Finish the Academy & Earn Rewards

Complete all of the Marketing Academy learning modules in Relias, and you’ll get a $100 Gift Card along with a certificate of completion. You’ll also be invited to join our CEO for a virtual cup of coffee to discuss Clarvida, your role, our vision, and more! Participants will receive a $10 Starbucks gift card to enjoy the beverage of their choice during the meeting.