Welcome to Clarvida of California

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Our Programs

Our programs are designed to serve the unique needs of the communities and states we operate in to have the greatest impact possible.

  • Kern County Adult, Camp Erwin Owens in Lake Isabella

    Clarvida provides mental health services and psychiatric services to incarcerated youth on site at Camp Erwin Owens.
  • Kern County Adult, Forensic Support Services

    Clarvida offers case management and therapeutic support to those exiting jail/parole and integrating back into the community.
  • Kern County Adult, Outpatient Clinic

    Clarvida offers specialized outpatient mental health services for adults ages 18 and older with a serious and persistent mental illness with severe functional impairments. Our clinical team includes therapists, psychiatrists, nurses, substance abuse counselors, recovery coordinators and peer specialists.
  • Kern County Adult, Recovery Support / MHSA Consumer Learning Center

    Clarvida provides peer-led activities in learning centers intended to be recovery based to empower individuals ages 18 and older suffering from mental illness or who have a significant person who suffers from mental illness. The learning centers offer education classes, support groups, self-help, peer support activities, recreational and volunteer opportunities, forums, and socialization events.
  • Kern County Adult, Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Clinic

    Clarvida Substance Use Disorder Services provides access to adolescents, 12 and older, and adults 18 and older. Services begin with assessment to determine appropriate level of care following the American Society of Addiction Medicine Levels of Treatment. Clarvida provides outpatient substance use disorder treatment services, case management, and recovery support services.
  • Kern County Children, Outpatient Clinic

    Clarvida offers specialized outpatient mental health services for low-income children, adolescents under the age of 21 and their family members diagnosed with a mental illness, including those with co-occurring substance use disorders and those at risk for criminal involvement.
  • Los Angeles County Adult, CalWORKs

    Mental health services to CalWORKs beneficiaries to reduce behavioral health issues impeding ability to work. Dedicated employment specialists use evidence-based supported employment models, Individualized Placement and Support, to help folks achieve steady, meaningful employment in mainstream competitive jobs.
  • Los Angeles County Adult, Enhanced Care Management

    Enhanced Care Management (ECM) is a program designed to support individuals with complex health needs. It integrates medical, behavioral and social care by focusing on the whole person. ECM emphasizes collaboration among care providers. It centers around the unique needs and goals of each individual ensuring personalized and comprehensive support.
  • Los Angeles County Adult, Full Service Partnership (FSP)

    Full Service Recovery oriented services for Medi-Cal eligible adults (18 and over) living in Los Angeles County with a serious and persistent mental illness or at risk of institutionalization, homelessness, incarceration, or psychiatric in-patient services. Our adult program provides Outreach and engagement services, we are culturally and linguistically compatible, we provide counseling psychotherapy and case management, field-based services, peer and parent support, 24/7 crisis services, linkage to employment and education, assistance in obtaining transportation, assistance finding a safe housing, physical health care, and Integrated services for consumers with substance abuse (SUD).
  • Los Angeles County Adult, Integrated Care Program (Kaiser)

    The integrated care programs provide a variety of field-based services to individuals throughout Southern California. These include: Field-based care coordination in collaboration with primary mental health providers. Assessment and transition planning for recently hospitalized individuals. Solution-focused, client-centered outpatient therapy.
  • Los Angeles County Children, Pico Rivera

    Home, field and clinic-based mental health services to children, adolescents, and young adults from birth to 20 years of age. Through Medi-Cal and Indigent funding services are delivered to juvenile justice, child welfare, and school-based population using a variety of evidence-based practices which include Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Managing and Adapting Practice, and Seeking Safety.
  • Los Angeles County Children/TAY, Full Service Partnership (FSP)

    Full Service Partnership (FSP) program to children, adolescents, and adults offering intensive services to those with severe and persistent mental illness who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Medi-Cal and indigent clients are served by a multidisciplinary team through an array of individual and family therapy services, case management, medication management, housing, education, employment, and substance abuse services.
  • Orange County Adult, Anaheim Recovery Center

    Provides recovery-oriented services for Medi-Cal eligible adults (18 and over) with a serious and persistent mental illness living in Orange County. Consumers are referred through the Orange County Health Care Agency. Services provided are coordinated, effective and comprehensive. The Recovery Center provides Evaluation and Assessment Services, Psychiatric Treatment Planning, Psychiatric Follow-Up Care, Individual and Group Therapy, Crisis Intervention, Intensive Case Management, Medication Support, Family Support and Education, Recreational and Clubhouse Activities, Vocational and Educational Support, Referrals to Community Resources, and Weekly Consumer Advisory Board Meetings.
  • Orange County Adult, CalWORKS

    Clarvida CalWORKs Behavioral Health Services (BHS), helps participants remove Mental Health and/or substance abuse barriers to employment. We work to assist in the progress of moving them from welfare to active participation in employment activities. Clarvida CalWORKs BHS has been providing these much-needed Mental Health and substance abuse services to CalWORKs recipients for the past 23+ years. Clinics in Santa Ana and Westminster offer services to Orange County residents at multiple locations. Participants must be California Welfare recipients with Mental Health and/or substance abuse issues and enrolled in CalWORKs or Cal-Learn programs. Clarvida CalWORKs BHSs provides Evaluation and Assessment Services, Individual, Group, Couples and Family Psychotherapy, Crisis Intervention, Case Management, Family Support and Education and Referrals to Community Resources. Clarvida CalWORKs BHS provides Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) Services including: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Seeking Safety, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, EMDR therapy and Active Parenting.
  • Orange County Adult, Camino Nuevo Adult Recovery Center

    Camino Nuevo Adult Recovery Center provides recovery-oriented services for Medi-Cal eligible adults (18 and over) with a serious and persistent mental illness living in Orange County. Camino Nuevo is an open access site, which takes walk-in referrals and consumers referred through the Orange County Health Care Agency. Services provided are coordinated, effective and comprehensive. Camino Nuevo provides all services in Spanish and English and all staff are bicultural/bilingual. Camino Nuevo provides Evaluation and Assessment Services, Psychiatric Treatment Planning, Psychiatric Follow-Up Care, Individual and Group Therapy, Crisis Intervention, Intensive Case Management, Medication Support, Family Support and Education, Recreational and Clubhouse Activities, Vocational and Educational Support, Referrals to Community Resources, and Weekly Consumer Advisory Board Meetings.
  • Orange County Adult, Opportunity Knocks FSP

    Opportunity Knocks is a volunteer mental health program providing outpatient services for individuals between the ages of 18-59, with severe and persistent mental illness, recent history of incarceration due to mental illness, and are currently homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our services include intensive case management, psychotherapy, skill-development groups, medication management, vocational linkage, temporary housing support, benefits processing, and outreach and engagement.
  • Orange County Adult, The Peer Mentoring Program

    The Peer Mentoring Program is a peer run program that assists consumers with mental health conditions to pursue mental health recovery goals. Peer Mentors work alongside consumers to enhance their recovery by focusing on client strengths, modeling recovery practices, and empowering consumers to eliminate the stigma of mental illness.

    • Track 1 – Assists Adults and Older Adults with serious and persistent mental illnesses who are referred by county and county-contracted Mental Health Clinics to achieving recovery goals.
    • Track 2 – Assists Adults and Older Adults with serious and persistent mental illnesses who are pending discharge from inpatient services at the County Crisis Stabilization Units or regional hospitals to provide linkage to outpatient mental health services within the County of Orange Behavioral Health System
  • Orange County Adult, Wellness Center - Central (Orange County)

    This is a nationally recognized program that offers an array of groups, classes and resources to increase the wellness of the Orange County community through four key areas Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Social/Community. The mission of the Wellness Centers (WCs) are “To provide a safe and nurturing environment for each individual to achieve their own vision of recovery while promoting acceptance, dignity and social inclusion”. WCs are entirely peer run programs with each member of the staff having “lived experience” with mental illness, substance use or both and working with their own recovery. Members of the Centers must be 18 years or older, reside in Orange County and are seeking Mental Health Services now or in the past. WCC and WCS each offers 100 groups a week from Arts and Crafts to Yoga, positive thinking, DBSA, AA, Social Hour and a number of Community Integration groups. Bowling, nature hikes, walk about trips to museums, gardens are a few of the excursions offered at the Center.
  • Orange County Adult, Wellness Center - South (Orange County)

    This is a nationally recognized program that offers an array of groups, classes and resources to increase the wellness of the Orange County community through four key areas Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Social/Community. The mission of the Wellness Centers (WCs) are “To provide a safe and nurturing environment for each individual to achieve their own vision of recovery while promoting acceptance, dignity and social inclusion”. WCs are entirely peer run programs with each member of the staff having “lived experience” with mental illness, substance use or both and working with their own recovery. Members of the Centers must be 18 years or older, reside in Orange County and are seeking Mental Health Services now or in the past. WCC and WCS each offers 100 groups a week from Arts and Crafts to Yoga, positive thinking, DBSA, AA, Social Hour and a number of Community Integration groups. Bowling, nature hikes, walk about trips to museums, gardens are a few of the excursions offered at the Center."
  • Orange County Children, Project RENEW

    Project RENEW provides personalized and recovery-oriented mental health services to children and adolescents (0-17 years old) with severe and persistent mental illness, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Working with a multidisciplinary team; children, adolescents and family members receive individualized goal setting, intensive case management, temporary assistance with housing, educational services, employment services, substance abuse services, skill-development groups, medication management, and community-based activities.
  • Orange County Older Adult, Oasis FSP

    Oasis is a volunteer mental health program providing outpatient services for individuals ages of 60 and over; with severe and persistent mental illness, with functional impairment in daily living due to mental health symptoms, and are currently homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our services include intensive case management, psychotherapy, skill-development groups, medication management, vocational linkage, temporary housing support, benefits processing, and outreach and engagement.
  • Orange County TAY, STAY Process (Orange County)

    STAY Process provides personalized and recovery-oriented mental health services to Transitional Aged Youth (16-25 years old) with severe and persistent mental illness, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Working with a multidisciplinary team, transitional aged youth receive individualized goal setting, intensive case management, medication management, temporary assistance with housing, educational services, employment services, substance abuse services, skill-development groups and community-based activities.
  • Orange County, Medi-Cal Funded Mental Health Services for Children

    Medi-Cal funded community and field-based mental health services to children between the ages of 0-21. We provide Individual and Family therapy, Case Management, Crisis Intervention, Medication Evaluation and Management and Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS). We specialize in Trauma-Informed Care and Evidenced-Based Practices including Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Seeking Safety and EMDR.
  • San Diego County Adult, Fire Captain Ryan J. Mitchell’s First Responders Behavioral Health Support Program

    A free and confidential 24/7 peer-supported referral helpline for all first responders in San Diego County. We provide mental health and substance use resources, as well as in-service trainings to first responders and first responder organizations, to increase awareness about mental health services and decrease the barriers and stigma to seeking treatment.
  • San Diego County TAY, Catalyst ACT

    Catalyst is an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) program. Catalyst provides full service partnership services to Transitional Age Youth (TAY) ages 16 to 25 with a serious mental illness, and who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in San Diego County. Catalyst’s ACT team provides comprehensive, individualized services in an integrated and continuous manner. Services are collaborative and recovery-oriented, and treatment includes: psychiatric assessment, medication management, individual therapy, substance abuse treatment, co-occurring disorders treatment, supportive housing, resource linkage, advocacy, family psycho-education and therapy, supportive employment and education development, legal assistance, community integration services, peer support and group counseling.
  • San Diego County TAY, Oasis Clubhouse

    The Oasis Clubhouse is a comprehensive, dynamic and member-run program targeting the unique needs of Transition Age Youth (TAY) ages 16-to-25 who are receiving behavioral health services. Our Clubhouse provides life skills training, educational assistance, job skills and development, mental health support and linkage, recovery groups, community service opportunities, social and recreational activities, and peer support and mentoring.
  • San Diego County, Children/TAY, Cornerstone

    School-based, full service partnership (FSP) program serving Medi-cal eligible and unfunded youth (*ages 5-21) and their families. Cornerstone is currently partnered with 20 school sites within San Diego Unified School District and serves the Mid-City area of San Diego. Services include individual therapy, family therapy, group counseling, case management, crisis intervention, psychiatric evaluation and medication management.
  • San Diego County, Kickstart Program (San Diego County)

    Kickstart is a recovery-oriented program with a diverse clinical team specially trained to educate the community, treat youth and assist families in preventing psychosis. We serve young people ages 10-to-25 (Medi-Cal eligible and no insurance), their families, and their social networks to build support around the youth and promote success in relationships, education and employment. Kickstart strives to keep hope alive through education and early intervention.

Doing Good is Business As Usual

A career at Clarvida is so much more than a job. It’s an opportunity to create real change in your community and solve some of the greatest challenges facing our country today.

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