Navigating Pediatric Healthcare in Foster Care: Key Considerations

Becoming a temporary family for a child whose birth parents are not capable of offering the necessary level of care and support due to personal hardships is a decision that comes with a lot of responsibility. When you accept a placement, you confirm your readiness to take care of your foster child’s pediatric healthcare needs. […]
CCFT and Intensive Counseling

Everything Needed To Know About CCFT & Intensive Counseling All families experience behavioral issues with their children from. When issues arise, most parents and guardians find that they can deal with these problems as they come. There are situations, however, that can cause parents to feel overwhelmed. The good news is that there are resources […]
Back To School Tips for Foster Families

Returning to school can be a stressful time for children. For children in foster care, these stressors are often exacerbated, as they not only enter new schools but also new living situations. There are a variety of foster parenting tips that can be used to help children adjust to these new situations. Proactively Connect with […]
How to Prepare for First Placement: Tips for Tennessee Foster Parents

Preparing to foster a child is an exciting step for first-time foster parents. Prior to the placement, you may be occupied with licensing and paperwork. Shopping might be the last thing on your mind. But it is essential to prepare your home to make the child feel comfortable and safe. Here’s a list of things […]
What to Know About Different Types of Foster Care

There are over 400,000 children in the foster system in the United States. These children are more likely than others to experience low standardized test scores, higher rates of PTSD, and overall feelings of anxiety, distress, and loss. Different children have different needs, which is why there are several types of foster care that can help meet […]
Prepare for Short Notice Foster Placement

According to the AFCARS Report, there are more than 400,000 foster children in America. Studies show these children are twice as likely to suffer from PTSD as American war veterans, score lower on standardized tests compared to other children, and experience heightened levels of anxiety, distress, and feeling lost. During this stressful and confusing time, children need […]
Foster-to-Adopt Services

For many of us our childhoods were typical. However, that isn’t the case for every child. Many children find themselves alone when their parents can’t support them, and those children find comfort with us at Clarvida. At Camelot, we want to help children find a home that gives them the stability they deserve. That’s why, […]
PTSD in Foster Kids

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that develops in response to a traumatic event or a series of traumatic events. PTSD can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental and physical health, affecting their ability to function in daily life. Foster children are at a higher risk of experiencing trauma and […]
What Is Respite Foster Care?

Being a foster parent is a rewarding experience, but sometimes, foster parents might need some time off, whether to handle an emergency, take care of a family member, or reduce caregiver stress. In these moments, respite foster care is a good option for both the foster parents and the child in care. Keep reading to […]
Becoming a Foster Parent in Tennessee

HOW TO BECOME A FOSTER PARENT IN TENNESSEE The goal of the Tennessee foster care system is to provide safe, stable home environments for children who have been placed into state custody. As the state addresses issues in the child’s home and family environment, foster parents can help give the child a sense of normalcy, […]