First Episode Psychosis (FEP) Services – North Carolina
Appalachian Early Guidance Intervention and Support (AEGIS) – provides a specialized outpatient treatment program for adolescents and young adults experiencing their first episode of psychosis. We will be employing a wraparound team approach utilizing the NAVIGATE model of care. Our services focus on achieving sustained recovery. We provide early intervention to minimize the impact of psychosis on individuals and their families and to promote engagement, safety, and the optimal ability to function.
Home and Community-Based Treatment (HCT) – Maine
A special skill of Clarvida staff is the ability to join with the family members in a way that makes our presence in their home productive and non-threatening. We make every effort to provide services to our clients in the least restrictive, most comfortable setting available. In many cases, the client’s home represents the ideal location.
Care Coordination – Maine
We provide Care Coordination Services through both traditional Targeted Case Management and our Behavioral Health Home to youth aged birth through 20 years of age with behavioral health disorders or developmental/intellectual disabilities. These services are designed to aid youth and families in identifying and accessing necessary services to effectively treat and manage the unique youth and family’s needs. Care Coordinators ensure that the services in place are best meeting the identified needs of the youth. Services are provided in-person and by telephone utilizing wraparound principles, focusing on the child and family’s strengths and building natural and community resources to encourage family success.
School-Based Services – Maine
Clarvida operates a special purpose private school at the Clarvida Merrymeeting Center and an early learning program through the Clarvida Early Learning Center.
Children’s Rehabilitation and Community Treatment Services – Maine
Clarvida offers specialized RCS services for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders or related developmental disabilities. These services are grounded in the evidence-based practices of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), supervised by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), and implemented by Behavioral Health Professionals (BHPs) with specialized training in ABA. Individualized treatment plans, developed collaboratively with families, are designed to promote behavioral stability and the acquisition of social and functional life skills. Services are intended to engage families in the treatment process and are delivered across home and community settings in order to support integration and independence within natural communities.
Key Essential Elements of Permanency (KEEP) Program – Colorado
KEEP stands for Key Essential Elements of Permanency and is utilized by counties to prevent removal or support reunification. Through an emphasis on family engagement, the KEEP Program focuses on family strengths in an effort to identify their challenges, engage the families in the process, and work to create self-sufficiency.
Affirmative Connection and Engagement Services (ACES) – Colorado
Clarvida’s Affirmative Connection and Engagement Services (ACES) is an intensive family finding/ diligent search, program. It seeks to find permanent healthy connections for children involved with the child welfare department, or children aging out of the system, using a multitude of tools and techniques.
Family Time Program – Colorado
Provides visitation services in the community or on-site for referral agencies such as Department of Human Services or at one of Clarvida’s locations. Clarvida supervises family time sessions for a variety of clients and provides oversight and safety for the family while also providing parent coaching as needed in an effort to coach and teach the family members engaged in the visit. Parent Coaching is provided for parents who need or want support, education, and coaching related to parenting their child or children with special needs or challenging behaviors. This service can be accessed by caseworkers for their clients as well as by private individuals who pay hourly rates for the services.
Domestic Violence Reduction Program – Colorado
Clarvida’s Domestic Violence Reduction Program works with Adams County to provide psycho-educational classes and advocacy services to families and children that have currently or previously experienced domestic violence dynamics in their household.
Home Studies – Colorado
Clarvida provides SAFE and kinship home study services to meet their needs for foster parent certification, kinship and ICPC placements.