Intensive In-Home Services (IIH) – North Carolina
Intensive In-Home services consist of an intensive family preservation intervention intended to stabilize the living environment, promote reunification of the family and/or prevent out of home placement of the child or adolescent. Individual therapy is provided to increase the person’s capacity to handle emotions, make decisions, monitor safety, and reach future goals.
Care Management – North Carolina
Tailored Care Management is a voluntary, free service provided by NC Medicaid for those who have a serious mental illness, Intellectual and developmental disability, or a severe substance use disorder. The member is linked to a Tailored Care Manager, an expert who knows the system. The care manager helps navigate the healthcare system and helps manage the overall health and wellbeing of members that are served. Care managers can assist with addressing social determinants of health, such as basic needs that include food, housing, and transportation. Members are able to opt out of the program at any point and can select and/or change TCM providers if their needs are not being met. This service is designed to support members on the Tailored Plan so that the system is easier to navigate.
Outpatient Assessment, Individual and Group Therapy – North Carolina
Clinical staff complete a strength-based comprehensive clinical assessment of biological, social, environmental, emotional, mental, and developmental dimensions. Following a recommendation for outpatient services, clinicians provide individual, family and group therapy to children and adults. We currently specialize in treating children and adolescents with behavioral disorders, trauma, anxiety, grief and loss issues and depression. Our adult therapy services specialize in the continuum of mental health and substance use disorders using best practice approaches. We employ a strength-based holistic approach to therapy and believe everyone has the capacity for growth and change. Therapy may be provided at different sites including our offices, school, home and various community settings.
Outpatient-Plus – North Carolina
Outpatient-Plus uses a team approach of Licensed Therapists and Qualified Mental Health Professionals (QMHPs) to serve clients who have a variety of symptoms or issues that cannot be addressed by a Licensed Therapist alone. Service includes one therapy session per week with additional support provided up to 8 hours per week by Therapist and/or QMHP. Services can be provided across environments (home, school, and community). The clinician provides therapy to address various mental health, social, academic, or interpersonal concerns – including, but not limited to: anxiety, depression, ADHD, lack of motivation, bullying behaviors, substance abuse, thoughts of self-harm, etc. The QMHP will provide skill-based services and case management working with the client and families to increase supportive and coping skills while also assisting in connecting with community resources. Service is time-limited to 6 months.
Services for Persons with Co-occurring Mental Health and Intellectual Disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorders – North Carolina
FPS offers individualized services for persons with intellectual differences including Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). FPS has fostered a culture of support, education, and training for individuals, families, and staff to meet the needs of this population. Programming includes services for those with co-occurring mental health and IDD and/or ASD.
Peer Support Services – North Carolina
Peer Support Services (PSS) are positions filled by mental health professionals who have a mental health and/or substance abuse recovery story of their own. PSS staff members can provide services within many of the adult programs offered by FPS. These staff members can relate to our clients’ experiences and provide a message of hope for recovery.
Family Connections – Pennsylvania
Family Connections supports children who have been placed out of the home. This program is a supervised visitation program that acknowledges the importance of continued parental and family contact for children in out-of-home placement. This program focuses on the child’s needs for nurturing and fun, and helps maintain critical family attachments with their children in the safest and most natural environment possible while they are in placement.
Family Group Decision Making – Pennsylvania
This is a voluntary program that focuses on the process of bringing families together with the people who support them, to assist the family in making decisions to keep their children safe.
Supervised Visitation Service – Pennsylvania
The Supervised Visitation Service supports children and non-custodial parents. This service provides a safe environment and advocacy for the child’s needs during court ordered visits. This service is provided in a safe office setting, where we offer comfortable rooms for visitation. Visits are monitored by trained staff whose goal is to insure the safety and well-being of the child.
Independent Living – Pennsylvania
Our Independent Living program supports adolescents between 16 and 21 years of age in foster care placement. We provide a variety of services that are unique to each individual’s goals. We do this by coordinating services deemed necessary to help these individuals make progress towards their goals, and to provide support as they work towards independence.