Life Sharing – Pennsylvania
The Life Sharing program supports adults with intellectual disabilities. This program supports both the consumer and a host family in the community that agrees to provide a caring and nurturing household for the individual. Consumers’ lives are enhanced as they have the opportunity to share responsibilities, successes, and challenges that occur in the course of normal day-to-day family life.
Community Participation Supports – Pennsylvania
Our Community Participation Supports program is designed to support adults with intellectual disabilities. The program features a central hub where participants can meet daily, and increases the opportunities for these individuals to engage in preferred and meaningful activities within their community.
Peer Support Program – Pennsylvania
The Peer Support Program inspires hope of recovery for individuals age 18 and older. This program focuses on individuals with severe and persistent mental health illness. We support consumers in achieving personal wellness by helping them learn to cope with stress and barriers using a strength-based recovery support model.
Transition Age Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program – Pennsylvania
The Transition Age Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program assists transition-aged youth with mental illness in connecting with the community. Through participation in this recovery-based model, individuals will develop a sense of accomplishment, competency, and belonging through new and expanded roles in social, employment, and educational opportunities.
Residential Living Program – Pennsylvania
The Residential Living program supports residents of Berks, Carbon, Monroe, Schuylkill, Huntingdon, Mifflin, and Juniata counties by operating Community Living homes for adults with intellectual disabilities. Our community living homes can support one to four individuals per home. We provide a safe and nurturing environment in each of our homes, and practice the philosophy that every individual has a right to live the life they choose. Family members are always welcome and invited to be a part of their loved one’s life.
Intermediate Care Facilities – Pennsylvania
Our Intermediate Care Facilities support the most medically or behaviorally complex individuals with intellectual disabilities. As with our community living homes, residents are encouraged to become active members of their community. We are able to support these consumers by having a higher staff to consumer ratio than our more traditional living homes. Licensed medical staff and additional behavioral support staff are provided around the clock.
Supported Living – Pennsylvania
The Supported Living program cares for adults with intellectual disabilities in their own home or apartment, with the need for limited assistance. The goal of this program is to support individuals who prefer to stay in their own homes by providing some additional support. We are able to do this by providing a modest amount of staff support each week to assist with housekeeping, grocery shopping, and/or transportation to appointments.
Skills Training – Oregon
The program provides community-based Skills Training to youth of all ages in ODHS custody. Youth referred to the program have identified behavioral and/or mental health concerns that may lead to placement instability. Services may be provided to youth in non-relative, relative, and biological parent placements, and are offered at times identified as most relevant to the youth/family. Skills Trainers use a combination of games, activities, and curriculum along with evidenced based practices including Collaborative Problem Solving to help youth build Social-Emotional skills. Skills Trainers work to help improve communication, relationship, independent living, and community-based skills while increasing pro-social behaviors. We currently provide services in Columbia, Clatsop, Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington, Marion, Polk, Yamhill, Linn, Benton, Lane, Umatilla and Morrow counties. ODHS Caseworkers are able to submit a referral directly to Clarvida.
Youth Mentoring – Oregon
Youth Mentoring services are community based and aim to provide a safe, stable, and predictable relationship with a trusted adult. The program offers mentoring services to youth of all ages in ODHS custody who may be at risk of placement instability due to difficult or challenging behaviors. Mentors will offer direct coaching, skills training, and experiences in the community to practice, observe, and teach pro-social skills. Mentoring services seek to improve a youth’s awareness of their emotional state and increase self-regulation skills. These services are youth driven, empowering them to identify goals and opportunities for personal development.
We currently provide services in Columbia, Clatsop, Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington, Marion, Polk, Yamhill, Linn, Benton, Lane, Umatilla and Morrow counties. ODHS Caseworkers are able to submit a referral directly to Clarvida.
Respond and Support Network – Oregon
The Response and Support Network (RSN) program serves youth and families in Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties. RSN offers short-term support services with the goal of stabilization, and the ability to identify and connect families to more long-term supports. Services offered through RSN include Parent Mentoring, Peer Support, Care Coordination, Skills Training, 24/7 Crisis Response, and the ability to access Intensive Community Based Mental Health supports through a partnership with Catholic Community Services. Clarvida provides immediate non-clinical support for Adoptive Families, Families in Guardianship, and Resource Parents. Caregivers are able to self-refer by calling 503.341.4779 and making a request to open services for 60-90 days. ODHS Caseworkers are able to make a District Referral by contacting the Medical Liaison in their county.