Child Specific Caregiver Support – Oregon
The program provides Child Specific Caregiver Support (CSCS) to Resource Parents in Lane, Linn, Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties. The program is designed to support caregivers of children with complex unmet needs, who without this service, may be at risk of placement disruption. The goal of the program is to help clients transition into and maintain within a community-based placement or with family by providing individualized services to the Caregiver(s) in order to support them in meeting the youth’s unique needs. The CSCS program provides hands-on parent-coaching for biological, kith/kin, resource and pre-adoptive caregivers, when a youth in the home has been identified by ODHS as qualified for this service. Supports may be provided virtually or via teleconference, however primary service delivery is typically in-person whenever possible and includes training, coaching, help with systems navigation, on- call phone support, and help identifying natural and community resources. ODHS Caseworkers are able to submit a referral through the ODHS FOCUS Team or by contacting their Regional Resource Consultant to obtain the referral documents.
Peer Parent Mentor – Oregon
The Peer Parent Mentor Program provides support to parents who are involved with ODHS. This service is provided by individuals who have personal experience with the child welfare system. Peer Parent Mentors provide strength-based, parent-driven, culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and goal-focused contact during the time they are involved with ODHS. This service is provided to parents residing in Umatilla and Morrow Counties.
Employment Services – Washington
Our Employment Specialists provide employment counseling services by exploring your job preferences, interests and goals to then work with you to:
Find a job by helping you:
• Fill out job applications
• Prepare for job interviews, pre-hire tests and questionnaires
• Reach out to employers
Keep your job by helping you get:
• On the job support
• Education
• Training
• Coaching
• Benefits planning
To check if you qualify for services please contact us below and we will reach out to you for an initial screening.
Foster Care – Tennessee – Tennessee
Our Therapeutic Foster Care program offers a way for children within the DCS system to have a stable home environment while they are achieving their permanency goals.
Intensive Counseling – Tennessee
Clarvida provides home-based services through Comprehensive Child and Family Treatment (CCFT). The service usually involves multiple visits per week by the counselor to the home.
Outpatient Therapy – Tennessee
Outpatient services are designed to assist individuals, couples, parents, and families in dealing with the difficulties that are faced in daily life.
Tennessee Health Link – Tennessee
Clarvida can provide Health Link services to children and adults in a community setting or in the home. These services focus on resource linkage and empower the client to live a more healthy, successful and balanced life.
Substance Use – Tennessee
Clarvida’s substance use program is designed for adolescents and young adults to help them examine their lives, substance use and the impact of their current choices on their future through Motivational Interviewing.
Family Preservation Services – Tennessee
Clarvida works to preserve families by meeting the families where they are and engaging them in a process to improve their family relationships and supports.
Autism: Applied Behavioral Analysis – Pennsylvania
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the process of systematically applying intervention based upon the principles of learning theory to improve socially significant behaviors while demonstrating through data analysis that there is a direct correlation between the intervention and the behavior change. ABA is researched-based and proven to be the most effective way to treat individuals of all ages with autism spectrum disorders and other behavioral concerns. ABA can be used for addressing a variety of issues including skill deficits and problem behaviors. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is endorsed by the American Medical Association and United States Surgeon General.