Intake and Assessment Services – Arizona

Every individual seeking behavioral health services receives a comprehensive intake assessment to help determine the necessary treatment. Our offices are able to assist with Medicaid eligibility and coordination of benefits.

Group Services – Arizona

These services are provided in a group setting, allowing for social connections and shared experiences for clients. Parenting classes and substance use programs are a sample of the group services we offer.

Case Management – Adult – Arizona

We assist in all aspects of eligible clients’ cases and coordinate appropriate referrals for behavioral health care, treatment and resources. Case Managers serve as advocates, arranging for services and follow-up care to meet clients where they are with their treatment goals.

Supported Employment – Arizona

Supported Employment services are an Evidence-Based Best Practice. Supported Employment helps people with mental illnesses find and keep meaningful jobs in the community

​Substance Use Services – Arizona

The Seven Challenges Program is designed for teens and adults experiencing problems related to the use of alcohol or other drugs, to motivate a decision and commitment to change. It helps them look at themselves and prepare for and attain success when they commit to making changes.

Birth-5 – Arizona

Clarvida provides specialty services tailored to the needs of the birth-to-five population and their families.​ As part of the Birth-5 program, we utilize child-parent psychotherapy, which is an evidence-based treatment for children Birth-5 who have experienced trauma.