Community-Based Rehabilitation Services (CBRS) – Idaho
Our Community-Based Rehabilitation Services (CBRS) services focus on improving daily functioning, enhancing independence and promoting community integration. This service is available to clients of all ages.
Case Management Services – Idaho
Case Management is aimed at assisting clients of all ages in accessing community resources through linking and coordination services to meet their basic needs and increase stability in their lives. These services are provided in the home or community until the client is capable of accessing these resources independently.
Peer Support Services – Idaho
Peer Support offers clients, typically ages of twelve (12) or older, a unique form of mental health assistance provided by trained professionals with similar life experiences. Our Peer Support Specialists use their lived experiences to offer empathy, understanding and practical guidance to other facing similar struggles.
Family Support Services – Idaho
Family Support is exclusively delivered by trained professionals who have personal experience caring for youth with mental health or co-occurring challenges. Our Family Support Partners offer a compassionate, non-judgmental approach where families can learn, grow, and find strength by connecting with those who have walked a similar path. Our Family Support Partners provide practical insight emotional support and renewed hope to families and their child’s future.
Medication Management – Idaho
We provide evaluation and monitoring of psychiatric medications along with prescribing when necessary to manage symptoms. This service is provided by qualified physicians and nurse practitioners with a dedicated background in mental health.
Youth Empowerment Services (YES) – Idaho
Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is a newer initiative of the children’s mental health system of care. Its focus is strengths-based and family-centered. It incorporates a team approach with emphasis on providing individualized care for children, offering Respite Care and Wrap around services to youth with serious emotional disturbances (SED).
Assertive Care Treatment (ACT) – Georgia
Individual-centered, recovery-oriented, and a highly intensive community based service for individuals who have serious and persistent mental illness.
Individuals that qualify for this service have been unsuccessfully treated in the traditional mental health service system because of their high level of mental health acuity.
Intensive Case Management – Georgia
This service consists of providing environmental supports and care coordination to assist a person with improving his/her functioning, gaining access to necessary services, and creating an environment that promotes recovery
Supported Employment – Georgia
Services are available to any individuals who express a desire and have a goal for competitive employment and who, due to the impact and severity of their mental illness, have recently lost employment, or been underemployed or unemployed on a frequent or long-term basis.
Peer Support Services – Georgia
A service that provides structured activities within a peer support center
Promotes socialization, recovery, wellness, self-advocacy, development of natural supports, and maintenance of community living skills.
Provided by Certified Peer Specialists.