Intensive In-Home Services – Virginia
Intensive In-Home Services utilize a multi-systemic approach in planning and implementing individualized services. Treatment components may include individual and family in-home counseling, crisis intervention, substance use treatment, life skills training and care coordination. Flexibility, availability and responsiveness to the individual needs of each youth, family and community are crucial to success.
Our collaborative systems approach utilizes both the internal family system and a community network. In-home counselors develop and implement a service plan approach that makes use of family strengths, the special skills and abilities of the staff and existing community resources.
• Trauma-Informed Care
• Evidence-Based Practices
• Comprehensive Assessment
• Care coordination with all systems of care involved with the client
• Home and community based sessions
• Teaching functional skills and appropriate behavior related to individuals health and safety
Applied Behavior Analysis – Virginia
Through the use of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), our treatment Services support children, adolescents, and families impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorders as well as other developmental disabilities. Our strengths-based, creative programming assists clients in building skills across social, communication, behavioral and daily living domains. The ABA program uses research-based, best practice methodologies to develop customized programs that also incorporate each individual’s interests and motivations.
Supportive In-Home Services – Virginia
Supportive In-Home Services are home-based and community support services for individuals with behavioral and/or mental health concerns. This service is designed to strengthen individual skills and provide the environmental supports necessary for an individual to maintain in their home and community.
Therapeutic Mentoring Services / Casey Life Skills Coaching – Virginia
A strength-based support service that is designed to address and improve daily living, social, and communication needs. This service can be used to prevent, support or assist with the transition from a more intensive level of service. Therapeutic mentoring services include coaching and training our youth in age‐appropriate behaviors; interpersonal and intrapersonal communication; problem-solving; relationship building; and social activities that coincide with each youths individualized service plan.
• Promoting and facilitating connections to community-based programs and natural supports.
• Psychosocial skills development – employment skills, anger management, communication, conflict resolution, etc.
• Transportation to and collaboration with other involved or needed services.
• Person-centered structuring of leisure and recreational activities that promote and develop appropriate use of coping and social skills.
Virtual Residential Program© – Virginia
Virtual Residential Program© was created to provide families, schools, and communities with an alternative to unnecessary out-of-home placements and to facilitate the successful “step-down” of a youth following residential or psychiatric placements. A phase system approach is used to assess treatment progress, provide structure to the home environment and to facilitate the family’s progress to less-intensive interventions. The Virtual Residential Program© treatment team includes the client and caregivers, a lead therapist, home-based counselors, behavioral interventionists or coaches, and others as needed such as a parenting coach, extended family members, close family friends and school liaisons. The Virtual Residential Program© therapeutic approach is individualized, contextualized and trauma informed in order to meet the needs of each family.
• 24 hour Crisis intervention
• Comprehensive case-management
• Family therapy
• Individual therapy
• Behavior Management
• Parent Support and Education
• Case Coordination with other services
• Shift Staffing
Adolescent Sexual Harm Program – Virginia
Adolescent Sexual Harm Program is a multi-systemic, community-based treatment alternative which focuses on the treatment of sexually abusive behavior patterns within the context of family and community. Adolescent Sexual Harm Program offers a comprehensive community-based model focused on public safety, family trauma, personal responsibility, and relapse prevention. Individualized services are planned and assessed from a developmental context and include individual, family and community interventions. All treatment is planned and supervised by a Certified Sex Offender Treatment Professional (CSOTP) or trainee under the supervision of a CSOTP.
• In-home family/individual therapy
• Outpatient individual therapy
• Group therapy
• Therapeutic mentoring
• Relapse Prevention/Aftercare Services
• Surveillance/Home Electronic Monitoring (if necessary)
Mental Health Skill-Building Services – Virginia
Mental Health Skill-building Services is a program designed to work with individuals having a clinical need arising from a condition due to mental, behavioral or emotional illness that results in significant impairments in major life activities. The goal of Mental Health Skill-building Services is to provide training to adult individuals, while promoting recovery and the ability to maintain community stability in the most appropriate, least restrictive environment.
• Functional Skills Training
• Activities of Daily Living
• Assistance with Medication Management
• Education and Use of Community Resources
• Monitoring Health Nutrition and Physical Condition
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) – Louisiana
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is an evidence-based treatment model providing multidisciplinary and comprehensive care to individuals in their natural setting. ACT services are provided to adults aged 18 and older with serious and persistent mental illness who also have one or more of the following: a pattern of frequent hospital admissions and/or homelessness, history of a long term hospitalization (s), a co-occurring disorder, involvement with the criminal justice system or who have not been successfully engaged in services and/or have not benefited from traditional mental health services. ACT works with a rehabilitative focus to restore the highest level of community functioning possible across multiple domains.
Therapeutic Foster Care – Indiana
Therapeutic foster care is an outstanding opportunity for people who have a desire to offer their love and support to a child who needs a family and home, while arrangements are made for reunification with their family of origin. For adults who want to provide this for a child, we offer training, guidance, and support through every step to becoming a fully licensed foster parent. Once a child is placed in a home, our support continues so everyone has what’s needed for a successful outcome. We also provide a structured team approach that helps a child achieve the goals of their service plan and that leads to reunification with their birth family or adoption when this is in the child’s best interest. The goal is to provide children with a safe, family living environment that lessens the detrimental impact of being separated from their family and home. Therapy, case management, tutoring, and other services all work together to support the child’s needs.
Community-Based Services – Indiana
This program offers a wide spectrum of mental health services provided in the community, often in the comfort of your own home. The program is designed to address the issues many people face. These could be problems with your mood, addiction issues, or trauma. Difficulties can range from relatively minor to very serious or complex. We are able to offer the professional expertise needed to address your needs right where you’re at. Armed with some of the latest innovations in evidence-based care, we understand how to help you and are concerned about what you’re going through. Together, we form a treatment team and develop a plan to help you become well.