Orange County Adult – CalWORKS – California

CCS-CalWORKs helps participants remove Mental Health and/or substance abuse “barriers” to employment to aid the progress of moving from welfare to active participation in employment activities. CCS-CalWORKs has been providing these much-needed Mental Health and substance abuse services to CalWORKs recipients for the past 16 years. Clinics in Santa Ana and Westminster offer services to Orange County residents at multiple locations. Participants must be California Welfare recipients with Mental Health and/or substance abuse issues and enrolled in CalWORKs or Cal-Learn programs. CCS-CalWORKs provides Evaluation and Assessment Services, Individual and Group Therapy, Crisis Intervention, Case Management, Family Support and Education and Referrals to Community Resources. CCS-CW Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) Services offered: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Seeking Safety and Active Parenting.

Orange County Adult – Camino Nuevo Adult Recovery Center – California

Camino Nuevo Adult Recovery Center provides recovery-oriented services for Medi-Cal eligible adults (18 and over) with a serious and persistent mental illness living in Orange County. Camino Nuevo is an open access site, which takes walk-in referrals and consumers referred through the Orange County Health Care Agency. Services provided are coordinated, effective and comprehensive. Camino Nuevo provides all services in Spanish and English and all staff are bicultural/bilingual. Camino Nuevo provides Evaluation and Assessment Services, Psychiatric Treatment Planning, Psychiatric Follow-Up Care, Individual and Group Therapy, Crisis Intervention, Intensive Case Management, Medication Support, Family Support and Education, Recreational and Clubhouse Activities, Vocational and Educational Support, Referrals to Community Resources, and Weekly Consumer Advisory Board Meetings.

Orange County Adult – Anaheim Recovery Center – California

Provides recovery-oriented services for Medi-Cal eligible adults (18 and over) with a serious and persistent mental illness living in Orange County. Consumers are referred through the Orange County Health Care Agency. Services provided are coordinated, effective and comprehensive. The Recovery Center provides Evaluation and Assessment Services, Psychiatric Treatment Planning, Psychiatric Follow-Up Care, Individual and Group Therapy, Crisis Intervention, Intensive Case Management, Medication Support, Family Support and Education, Recreational and Clubhouse Activities, Vocational and Educational Support, Referrals to Community Resources, and Weekly Consumer Advisory Board Meetings.

Orange County Adult – Opportunity Knocks FSP – California

Opportunity Knocks is a volunteer mental health program providing outpatient services for individuals between the ages of 18-59, with severe and persistent mental illness, recent history of incarceration due to mental illness, and are currently homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our services include intensive case management, psychotherapy, skill-development groups, medication management, vocational linkage, temporary housing support, benefits processing, and outreach and engagement.

Orange County Older Adult – Oasis FSP – California

Oasis is a volunteer mental health program providing outpatient services for individuals ages of 60 and over; with severe and persistent mental illness, with functional impairment in daily living due to mental health symptoms, and are currently homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our services include intensive case management, psychotherapy, skill-development groups, medication management, vocational linkage, temporary housing support, benefits processing, and outreach and engagement.

Kern County Adult – Recovery Support / MHSA Consumer Learning Center – California

Clarvida provides peer-led activities in learning centers intended to be recovery based to empower individuals ages 18 and older suffering from mental illness or who have a significant person who suffers from mental illness. The learning centers offer education classes, support groups, self-help, peer support activities, recreational and volunteer opportunities, forums, and socialization events.

Kern County Children – Outpatient Clinic – California

Clarvida offers specialized outpatient mental health services for low-income children, adolescents under the age of 21 and their family members diagnosed with a mental illness, including those with co-occurring substance use disorders and those at risk for criminal involvement.

Kern County Adult – Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Clinic – California

Clarvida Substance Use Disorder Services provides access to adolescents, 12 and older, and adults 18 and older. Services begin with assessment to determine appropriate level of care following the American Society of Addiction Medicine Levels of Treatment. Clarvida provides outpatient substance use disorder treatment services, case management, and recovery support services.

Kern County Adult – Outpatient Clinic – California

Clarvida offers specialized outpatient mental health services for adults ages 18 and older with a serious and persistent mental illness with severe functional impairments. Our clinical team includes therapists, psychiatrists, nurses, substance abuse counselors, recovery coordinators and peer specialists.