Intensive In-Home Support – Illinois
Our ECPS program provides support to youth and their families with the goal of keeping youth in their home. Families can struggle when youth are experiencing extreme mental health difficulties, Our ECPS program can support families and youth in creating a stable and a healthy environment. ECPS provides intensive in-home supports for the youth and family.
Family Preservation – Illinois
Our family preservation services are designed to support families, helping them stay together and create a safe, nurturing home environment. Services include intensive case management, which works closely with the family to develop and implement individualized plans. These plans support the family in getting connected with community resources such as housing, healthcare, employment, parenting, and mental health services.
School-Based Services – Virginia
Therapeutic Day Treatment is a program that provides a combination of therapeutic services and evaluation within the traditional school setting to students exhibiting emotional and behavioral concerns that hinder their ability to function successfully in the school environment. Therapeutic Day Treatment Counselors work with students in the educational setting to decrease disruptive behavior, increase focus, assist students in exhibiting age appropriate classroom behavior, and other emotional/behavioral needs. In Therapeutic Day Treatment we assess treatment needs, complete diagnostic evaluations, and utilize evidence-based therapeutic techniques. The goal of Therapeutic Day Treatment is to support students and teachers, allowing all students to learn and teachers to teach. We work with teachers and administration to reduce the need to remove a student from the classroom environment, reduce office interventions, and prevent out of school placement. Funding for Therapeutic Day Treatment can often be secured through Medicaid or other sources.
Medication Management – Tennessee
Medication Management is the administration and monitoring of medication for the purpose of improving, stabilizing, and/or managing symptoms for mental health disorders. Our Clarvida medical providers prescribe different psychotropic medications such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and stimulant medications.
Crossroads – Pennsylvania
Crossroads is a site-based program for children and adolescents ages 5-21 with an Autism Spectrum Diagnosis. Crossroads programming focuses on social skill development for each participant.
Endeavor – Pennsylvania
Endeavor is a site-based program for children and adolescents ages 5-21 with an Autism Spectrum Diagnosis. Endeavor programming focuses on intensive skill acquisition training for each participant.
IDD: Case Management – West Virginia
We provide independent case management so that I/DD waiver participants and their families may receive case management services with no conflict of interest from service providers. Our Case Management services are designed to ensure accessibility, accountability and continuity of supports and services. We have an emphasis on extensive training for our Case Managers, stringent quality assurance standards, and caseload sizes that support the needs of our clients.
Accepting Title XIX Waiver referrals and providing assistance for application of Title XIX benefits.
IDD: Nursing Service – West Virginia
Nursing services are services listed in the plan of care of the IPP (Individual Program Plan) for each individual which are within the scope of the state’s nursing act and are provided by a registered professional nurse, or a licensed practical nurse (under the supervision of a registered nurse). The nurse will work with the direct care staff to assess client’s medical needs, hygiene issues and daily living skills that might affect personal health. Services will also help clients and families understand medication use, side effects and adverse reactions. A nurse will meet with the client/guardian to discuss specific medical issues, help increase communication with doctors, medication administration and other health care concerns.
IDD: Respite – West Virginia
We recognize the importance of the physical and emotional well-being of the primary care providers. Respite services provide staff to assist care providers in times of crisis, emergency or when they just need a break. Respite services can occur on weekends and after day habilitation or employment programs are completed. Whenever possible, qualified family members and/or significant others will be included and given priority in hiring and the employment of their program service staff.
IDD: Person Centered Supports – West Virginia
Person Centered Supports are provided in a client’s residence and in the community. The Direct Care Staff implementing Person Centered Supports is responsible for implementing habilitation programs and providing support services to enable the client to acquire and maintain skills which will allow him/her to live and socialize more independently.