Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) ARISE – Virginia
ARISE offers an open group modality for both adolescents and adults:
• Adult programs operate 4 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday), three hours a day on a 12 week cycle.
• Adolescent programs operate 3 days a week (Monday, Thursday, and Friday), from 4:30pm – 6:30pm on a 10 week cycle.
At ARISE, we believe that addiction is a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite the harmful consequences. Our program stresses that addiction is a bio-psychosocial problem in which the emergence, maintenance and addiction are influenced by biological, psychological and social factors. Without intervention, support and empowerment as part of treatment, addiction can be fatal.
Substance Use and DWI Services – North Carolina
This service line helps to support clients who suffer from substance use problems. They are able to come in and participate in group sessions centered around becoming and staying clean of substances. This service line consists of an LCAS, two peer supports, and two substance use specialists (CADC). With our DWI clients, they are able to participate in a group and show proof to either their parole officer or the court system that they completed our program in order to work towards getting their license back.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation – North Carolina
This is a day treatment service offered to adults 21 years or older with severe and persistent mental health illnesses. The primary diagnosis in order to qualify for the program has to be a mental health diagnosis. Clients attend groups that are mental health centered, evidenced-based and teach life skills (anger management, seeking safety, financial literacy, peer-led, etc.). The PSR team consists of two recovery counselors (one being a QP and the other one an AP), a peer support, and the program director.
Adult Community Crisis Center – Idaho
Clarvida Community Crisis Center serves individuals 18 years and older experiencing a behavioral health crisis including substance abuse challenges. Our center provides a safe, non-judgmental environment, linkage to community resources, and referrals for ongoing care at no cost to those we serve. We welcome all adults regardless of background. Individuals may stay at the center up to 23 hrs and 59 minutes in one episode of care. During that time, services will include: Medical Screening, Behavioral Health Assessment, Risk Assessment, Solution-Focused Counseling, Case Management, and Peer Support.
Treatment Foster Care – Idaho
At Clarvida of Idaho, our Treatment Foster Care Program equips Foster Parents with special training in trauma-informed care, mental and behavioral health services. We offer 24/7 high-level support and resources that exceed traditional foster care models.
Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) – Idaho
Intensive Outpatient Program, or IOP, focuses on providing services more frequently and more intensively than at the outpatient level. It is designed to be either a step-down from a psychiatric hospitalization or to prevent an inpatient hospitalization from occurring.
Early Serious Mental Illness (ESMI) – Idaho
ESMI, or Early Serious of Mental Illness, is a program specifically designed for those experiencing first episode/early psychosis and from which a psychotic disorder diagnosis has occurred within the last 2 years.
Outpatient Services – Georgia
Outpatient Services are designed to help individuals with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. Services may include: Assessment and Recovery Planning, Psychiatric Services, Nursing Services, Medication Administration, Individual/Family/Group Counseling, Case Management, Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Addictive Disease Support Services, and Peer Supports.
Family Connections Program – Arizona
Family Connections services are provided to families referred by DCS by a Family Connections Consultant (FCC). The FCC provides community resources and parent education services to help parents safely care for their children. Family strengths are used to make positive behavioral changes in family functioning and to ensure the safety of children. The FCC provides services to referred families as outlined in the Arizona Family Connections manual to include: intake; outreach and engagement; concrete/emergency services; comprehensive family assessment, including the use of standardized assessment instruments; outcome-driven service plans with UBSMART goals; change focused intervention; evaluation of change; and service closure.
Family Connections is a multi-faceted community-based practice model that works with families in their homes, in the context of their neighborhoods, to help them meet the basic needs of their children, prevent child maltreatment, and/or eliminate danger. The FCC meets with the family one to two times per week for 5 months to work on identified treatment goals. There is an emergency phone number given to all participants during services that will ensure families can access assistance from the agency on nights and weekends also.
Nurturing Parenting Program – Arizona
Nurturing Parenting services are provided to families referred from DCS by a Nurturing Parenting Program Practitioner (NPP). The NPP provides parent education services to help parents safely care for their children. Family strengths are used to make positive behavioral changes in family functioning and to ensure the safety of children.
The Nurturing Parenting Program is a curriculum-based parenting skills education and coaching program to improve parenting in relation to: expectations of children, parental empathy towards children’s needs, non-violent discipline, parent-child family roles, and children’s power and independence. The NPP meets with the family 2 hours per week for 4 months to work on identified treatment goals. There is an emergency phone number given to all participants during services that will ensure families can access assistance from the agency on nights and weekends also.