Youth and Family Support Program (YFSP) – Arizona
The Youth and Family Support Program (YFSP) supports justice-involved youth and their families to ensure the youth is able to be successful in the home and community.
Foster and Adoption Support Team (FAST) – Arizona
The FAST program was designed by Clarvida to support families and children that are involved in foster care, adoptive care or kinship care to increase their stability and to ultimately prevent disruption. These children must be enrolled in AHCCCS and Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care (MMIC), and they are or have been involved in the DCS/child welfare system. This program is designed to work directly with the entire family system, highlighting the strengths and needs to provide support over an intensive period of 60 days (on average). This program is intended to assist the primary caregivers in adapting to meet the needs of the children placed, prevent disruptions, and higher levels of care. FAST uses a trauma-informed perspective, as the belief is that every child that has been removed from a caregiver has potential trauma responses. A team is comprised of a Clinical Supervisor, a Family Support Specialist and a Family Resource Aide.
Therapeutic Foster Care – Arizona
Our Foster Care Programs provide therapeutic foster care services to a wide range of families and children. Clarvida of Arizona works with children, and families in these programs to ensure the best possible match and long-term success. Our programs also provide 24-hour support to ensure the best possible outcomes for our families. Clarvida of Arizona offers all of its Therapeutic Foster Care Services in all served regions across the state of Arizona.
Developmental Home Program – Arizona
The Developmental Home Program, established in 1998, serves individuals with developmental disabilities through a contract with the Arizona Division of Developmental Disabilities. This program utilizes licensed, family-home settings for residential placement that matches family strengths with members needs and encourages maximum family and community involvement. Strong agency-level support makes a difference in attitudes about individuals with disabilities.
In-Person and Tele-Health Counseling and Therapy – Adult – Arizona
Our counselors and therapists provide services in-person with tele-health therapy availability which can include individual, group or family sessions.
Therapy and Counseling – Colorado
Clarvida, the premier provider of trauma-specific services, provides intensive in-home therapy to support families with trauma histories or relationship challenges
Virtual Residential Program (VRP) – Colorado
Clarvida’s Virtual Residential Program (VRP) provides home-based intensive services for clients and families who may have tried multiple other therapies and interventions with minimal success. Clarvida’s clinical teams work with the family in their journey toward healing and recovery through building an understanding of trauma and its effects on the brain, relationships, and the home environment.
Community Support Team – North Carolina
The Community Support Team (CST) provides direct support to adults with a diagnosis of mental health, substance use, or co-occurring disorder and who have complex and extensive treatment needs. CST works with a rehabilitative focus to restore the highest level of community functioning possible across multiple domains. Interventions from this four-person, community-based team include therapy, case management, coordination of medical care and supports, substance use services, peer support services, supported housing/tenancy support, and linkage to other necessary services not available from within the team. The Community Support Team carries its own crisis phone, and services are available 24/7, 365 days a year.
Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACT) – North Carolina
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is an evidence-based treatment model providing multidisciplinary and comprehensive care to individuals experiencing severe and persistent mental illness who also experience co-occurring difficulties such as substance use, homelessness, legal involvement, medical problems, and other such high-risk complications. ACT works with a rehabilitative focus to restore the highest level of community functioning possible across multiple domains.
Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient – North Carolina
SAIOP is a structured program to assist clients in beginning recovery who need more intensive substance use treatment. Individuals will develop skills for recovery using an individualized, trauma-informed and recovery-oriented approach. Groups meet three times per week for three hours each group. We offer morning and evening groups based on need and availability.